Aboriginal Culture: Fire Utilisation
Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Aboriginal fabric, Plum Seeds designed by Kathleen Pitjara; machine appliq...
Aboriginal Culture: Wetlands Fishing
Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Aboriginal fabric, Yalke designed by June Smith; machine applique, hand em...
Aboriginal Culture: Wetland Plant Foods,
Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Aboriginal fabric, Bush Tucker after Rain designed by Marlene Doolan; mach...
Aboriginal Culture: Wetland Resources
Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Aboriginal fabric, Underground Water by Janet Nakamarra; machine applique,...
Aboriginal Culture: Wetlands Society
Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Aboriginal fabric, Bush plum designed by Polly Naparulla; machine applique...
Aboriginal Culture: Wetlands Conservation
Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Aboriginal fabric, Bush Plum and Waterhole designed by Heather Kennedy; ma...
PM Please Quilt
Canberra ACT Australia
PM Please Quilt (2015) 210cm x 165cm. Appliqué quilt made using suit swatches and recycled ties, bamboo wadding, hand e...
Changi Prison Girl Guides
Imperial War Museum, London UK
Quilt constructed of blocks of hexagons with 72 ‘flower’ rosettes made from plain and printed cotton scraps....
The Signature Quilt
Alice Springs
342 signed calico rectangles with 342 patterned rectangles to match signatories, machine pieced with black cotton margin...
Aboriginal Culture: Wetland Resources
Perth, Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Aboriginal fabric, Roots and Seeds designed by Rosemary Pitjara; machine applique, hand embroi...
Aboriginal Culture: Wetlands Conservation
Perth, Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Aboriginal fabric, Possum Land and Water Dreaming designed by Heather Kennedy; machine appliqu...
Draining the Swamps
Perth, Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Eco printed muslin using casuarina and callistemon foliage; hand and machine stitched....
Maali (Swan)
Perth, Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Fabric collage using silk dupion, commercial printed cotton and organza. Machine and hand stit...
Bottoms Up!!
Perth, Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Hand dye fabrics, fabric paint, organza, silk waste, hand embroidery, machine embroidery, free...
Perth, Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Silk and cotton fabric, bobbin work, hand and machine embroidery, free motion quilting....
Underwater Windows
Perth, Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Hand dyed fabrics and papers, sun dyeing hand painting and colouring, embroidery, free cut mac...
Wetland Windows
Perth, Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Hand dyed fabric and paper, sundyeing, hand painting and colouring, embroidery, free cut machi...
Wetland Spiders, A Weaver of Gold and a Wolf
Perth, Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Commercial and hand dyed cotton fabric, polyester basket braid, ribbon braid, florists wire, v...
What’s for dinner?
Perth, Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Layered cotton, silk and silk paper with appliquéd Lutradur, satin, felt and cotton fabrics. ...
Wyan the White-faced Heron and Gilgies
Perth, Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Background fabric botanically dyed using eucalyptus leaves. Hand dyed cotton gauze, sari silk ...
Cardacut the Cormorant with Eucalyptus and Melaleuca
Perth, Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Background fabric botanically dyed with eucalyptus leaves. Melaleuca fabric designed by Lorrai...
Waterholes and Tracks
Perth, Western Australia
Materials and techniques: Commercial plain cloth. Abstract design freehand drawn with fabric crayons. Hand stitched with...
Bibool (Freshwater Paperbark)
Perth, Western Australia
Materials: Hand dyed papers. Hand dyed salvaged and commercial cotton and silk fabrics. Silk Rod. Crochet doily. Purchas...
Djeran Abundance
Perth, Western Australia
Materials and techniques: silk fabric, machine pieced and layered, machine embroidery. 400 x 600 mm