Aleta & Geoff Groves -
Jam Jerrup Vic 3984 -
Doreen Dyer -
Re-used clothing or blanket -
Traditional Wagga
Doreen wanted to make a truly Australian original - a Wagga. Her older sisters Lorraine and Helene, told her that when they were young and their brother Michael also had possum and kangaroo Waggas made by their Dad. Doreen suspects their mum would have also had a hand in the sewing.
Doreen spent quite a bit of time researching Waggas to decide what she wanted to create - it needed to represent a "functional" piece, just like the fifties and also the family heritage - hence the name Bowen and Groves which was the name of the families orchard at Clarence Point, West Tamar, Tasmania
Doreen scrounged woolen fabrics from Lorraine and cut up a plaid jacket that she got from the op shop for the quilt top. She then decided she wanted to use flannelette shirts from the Op Shop to back the quilt and went on a shopping adventure with her Sister-in-law, Aleta to get a collection.
The top has been felted at the seams to stop the loosely woven wool from fraying and she added buttons and left pockets in place. It's an everything goes Wagga.
The family still has the "land" in our hearts, and Doreens brother, Geoff and Aleta now own a farm, Groves Estate. This Wagga "belongs" on the land
The Wagga was a gift from the entire family to thank Aleta and Geoff for the Family Reunion (2013).
Made from Woolen fabrics, a cut up plaid jacket and flannelette shirts recycled.
The top has been felted at the seams to stop the loosely woven wool from fraying and she added buttons and left pockets in place.