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Calico Wagga

  • Owner:
    Brisbane Valley Historical Society
  • Location:
  • Maker:
    Anna Bishop
  • Pattern:
  • Pattern:
  • Pattern:
  • Dimensions:
    Height: 188
    Width: 107


Made c. 1910 by Mrs Anna Bishop of 'Swansdown', Linville Queensland. Previously owned by her son Eric Bishop, who gave it to Hetty Van Boven in 1986. [Now] owned by the Brisbane Valley Historical Society, at Caboonbah Homestead, Toogoolawah Queensland. "The wagga was constructed by layering whole garments in a rectangle, covering with unbleached calico and machine stitching through all layers. Son Eric recalls: 'After the girls left home, I had to help pull the wagga through the sewing machine. Too fast and Mum's needle would break, too slow and the wagga wouldn't go through the machine. Either way, I was in trouble.' Now the white ants got to the edges, several garments can be identified: a lace trimmed, flannelette nightie, a wide skirt trimmed with braid and a fine cotton shirt with black and white trim. As the calico wore, another layer was simply added."
[Notes from Brisbane Valley Historical Society]


Quilt is made from layers of complete clothing covered with calico and stitched through all layers by machine. Clothing used includes a full skirt, a shirt and a nightgown. All fabrics are cream. Cover has been replaced by others as the calico wore. White ants have eaten part of the quilt, exposing some of the clothing used as padding.
1880 x 1067mm

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