Kathy Allam -
Perth WA Australia -
Mrs Pritchard -
Patchwork -
Embroidered -
The quilt was made and owned by Mrs Pritchard and is now owned by her granddaughter, Kathy Allam of Western Australia. The quilt is now a wall-hanging.
"The fabrics were collected by my mother and auntie who asked for samples of fabric for their mother. Fabric was scarce and expensive due to the Depression, so each little slither was treasured. Satins, silks, velveteens. Each piece was tacked in place but stuffed before completely tacked and then the decorative stitching was completed. My grandmother is now 97 and has been working on a similar quilt over the years but in this quilt she has been including fabrics that have special meaning to us [like] the fabric my husband bought for me in the US (before he was my husband)."
[Kathy Allam, 22 April 1998]
"A crazy quilt, but even more crazy because each piece of fabric is stuffed with cotton wool. " [Kathy Allam]
The quilt has cotton backing and the seams are embroidered with a decorative feather stitch. Fabrics are plains and prints, most of the prints are florals. The main colours are yellows, blues, pinks, soft greens and dark browns and black, with a light blue/green binding and edge.