The quilt was made by Kate Day (1922-1965) around 1935 to 1938 when she was a pupil at the Presbyterian Ladies College in Melbourne Victoria. It is believed to have been made as part of the needlework curriculum at the school. It is now owned by her daughter Catherine Ringwood. The quilt is not used now and probably never was. "My mother told me she disliked making the quilt but it was a compulsory activity and she reluctantly finished it." [Catherine Ringwood, 10 March 1999]
The top of this quilt is 6 x 5 alternating squares and rectangles of check woollen material in twelve or more colour ways. Herringbone stitch in yellow stranded cotton is worked along each join and border. The border is plain grey wool. There is no padding and the backing is light blue crepe.
1118 x 814mm