Artist -
Sydney, NSW, Australia -
Alison Muir -
Contemporary -
Height: 120 cm
Width: 193 cm
To review the passing of events and make judgements is healthy and wise. Our ability to review and reflect on the Australian nation moving from a monarchy to a republic is timely at the turn of the 21st Century and after 200 years of monarchy. Australia, black and white is in the autumn of an Australian monarchy moving to independent nation status
Awards: Selection to ‘Celebration Quilts 2001, The Centenary of Federation’ exhibition, Canberra 2001,
Third place in Innovative Section at 2002 World Quilt Competition
‘Celebration Quilts 2001’, The Centenary of Federation exhibition, Canberra 2001,
2002 World Quilt and Textile exhibitions in Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania National Quilt extravaganza and Pacific International Quilt Festival in San Francisco, USA.
‘Aquamarine’ artist’s solo show at Mosman Art Gallery 2005
Materials: Commercial silks, polyester, voile and lamé, cotton back and felt interlayer
Techniques: Fused appliqué, and machine quilting
‘Celebration Quilts 2001’ published by Canberra Quilters Inc. Pg 21.
Members Pages www.ozquiltnetwork.org.au
Andy Payne, Photographix