Ruth Flett -
Lilian Boulton -
Patchwork -
Height: 170
Width: 142
Made by Mrs Lilian Boulton of Condobolin NSW. Owned by her daughter Ruth Fleet. "My mother was born on 11 December 1896 so would have been 100 years old this year. She was a keen needlewoman and enjoyed competition in local shows etc. You ask whether the quilt was in general use on beds in the house at Condobolin. I think it was used more as an optional extra and is in very good condition. As to where my mother got the tailor's samples, I recall she found them in a strange old shop in Condobolin known as Old Bill's Junk Shop to all and sundry. She was quite excited at her discovery and had plans for it at once. It was a time of 'make do'. There was always a section in the local show schedule for the best article made from a sugar bag!" [Letter from Ruth Fleet, 1996]
Quilt is made of wool tailors' samples, each measuring 6 x 3 1/2 inches. The colours are predominantly navy and grey. Most pieces are striped but some more distinctly than others. Both sides are made of samples, one side being mainly grey and the other almost exclusively navy. There doesn't seem to be another layer of material as padding. There is no added decoration. Made on a treadle sewing machine.
1703 x 1423mm