Private Collection -
Sydney, NSW, Australia -
Alison Muir -
Contemporary -
Height: 33 cm
Width: 96 cm
'water' was made as an example of imagetext as part of research in a Master of Design at COFA, University of NSW. In his book on Picture Theory, W.J. Thomas Mitchell (Mitchell 1994) defined ‘Imagetext’ designates composite concept works that combine image and text, and relations of the visual and the verbal. Imagetext has been further defined by Mitchell as illusionism and realism. Illusionism is the capacity of the pictures to deceive, delight, astonish and amaze or take power over the audience, as in Trompe-l’œil’s ability to trigger a responsive experience under the guise of ‘this is how things look’. Realism on the other hand is associated with the capacity of the picture to show the facts about things, the authorised, socially credible real perspective of ‘this is the way things are’.
Exhibitions: ‘Relume’ @ ATASDA conference,
COFA September 2008,
Journey’s home in Textiles’ Kudos Gallery 2009,
‘Fathoming the depths’ assessment exhibition for Master of Design (Hons) College Gallery 2010.
‘QUILT!’ exhibition Stanthorpe Regional Gallery 2011
Materials: silk and cotton
Techniques: fused appliqué machine and hand stitched
Andy Payne Photographix
W.J. Thomas Mitchell