The quilt was made by Mrs Hannah Nall of Wooragee, a mining township near Beechworth, Victoria in the 19th century. It was donated to the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) in 1972 by Mrs J Lowrey of Toorak, Victoria, a granddaughter of the maker. The quilt is stored in the National Trust Costume and Textile Store, Melbourne. "Maker Hannah Nall was born in England in 1838, died 1909. Her maiden name was Oldfield. It is said that she and her husband (a gold inspector) had seven daughters and each daughter was given a patchwork quilt for a 21st birthday gift. Mrs Nall served as midwife in the area and was teacher in charge of the local state school."
[Belinda Nemec, Manager of Collections, National Trust of Australia (Victoria) 9 February 2000]
Patchwork quilt, log cabin pattern. Made of strips of dark and light material arranged to produce strongly contrasting bands running diagonally across the quilt. Colours are mainly pinks and blues in small floral and paisley cotton prints and there is no padding.
1310 x 1140mm