The quilt was made by Mrs Crombie of Blackwood Victoria, a small post gold mining town near Ballarat probably c. 1940. It was purchased at auction in the early 1970s by the present owner. It was used until recently but is not used now. "I knew Mrs Crombie and when she left the district in the early 1970s most of her house effects were auctioned. Lovely antiques. I loved her quilts and was fortunate to buy this one. The quilt is made of dress fabrics of the 1920s. One of the fabrics is perishing and the quilt is so heavy it was beginning to tear. I replaced about 10 circles, then decided it would not be original so I (reluctantly) bought a new quilt and put this one to rest. Mrs Crombie was much travelled, as a girl she lived in Asian countries where her father was an owner of tin mines."
[Christina Hallett 2000]
A cotton quilt of 10,000 suffolk puffs made from scraps of dress materials from the 1920s. 75mm circles have been gathered in to half this size and then the circles stitched completely around. The circles around the edge are formed into rosettes and each has a black suffolk puff centre.
3400 x 3020mm